Homeopathy for dogs is little different from that for any other
animal, including the human animal. The only difference is that most of
us have to work on objective symptoms rather than subjective as with
humans. Few of us can hear what a dog is truly saying.
some extent this does limit our capacity. But if we employ other
tactics that enhance our ability to understand what dogs are trying to
tell us, then we have as good a chance of successfully treating dogs, as
we do with humans.
Homeopathic treatment has no species
boundaries. Neither does it have kingdom boundaries. Homeopathy can be
used successfully on any animal and any plant. What matters is that the
symptoms that show a disturbance from natural good health, must be
matched to the appropriate homeopathic remedy.
But the skill
doesn't end there. You also need to know what potency (strength) to use
and what dosage. These vary considerably depending on the health of your
dog, the condition in question, how long they have had it, the urgency
of the condition and so forth.
Homeopathic treatment is a highly
skilled method of health care. Ask any true homeopath and they will tell
you that they really need a life time to be any good at their chosen
profession. Maybe more than one.
This indicates the potential
depth of homeopathic treatment. There is no condition that cannot be
successfully treated. Homeopathy for dogs is as deep and far reaching as
it is for anyone.
I was recently told of a dog who had been run
over. This dog had been taken to a vet who had indicated that he would
recover. He was also given a homeopathic complex (mix of remedies)
suggested by a health shop sales assistant.
The dog did not recover, but got worse and was finally euthanised.
no one is in a position to foretell what would have happened had a
different approach been taken, the following are my thoughts on the
condition, based on my experience and observations.
The dog was
moved. This is not a good idea. Instead, it is better to leave the dog
at the scene of the accident if at all possible. As this occurred at the
dog's home, this was possible.
Even if the chosen therapist
cannot come to the dog's aid immediately, in most cases, this still
offers the best prognosis as the healing powers of every body are
remarkable. All you have to do is to allow them time to work.
a home prescribing homeopathic kit means that you can be advised on the
phone to a homeopathic practitioner, which one to give, as well as
when. In every good kit are remedies which help with shock and injuries.
These are the most important at such a time.
It is quite possible
that with these measures alone, the dog would have recovered. In any
event, they would have got the dog off to a great start in his
treatment. Any subsequent treatment would also have had a much better
Relying on a sales assistant to give an accurate match
of a homeopathic remedy to a dog's complicated health issue is inviting
disaster. The sales assistant may have had every intention of helping.
But it is hardly the same as asking for the help of a qualified
homeopath, who has had years of training and experience.
for dogs isn't limited to emergencies or accidents. The homeopathic
treatment for chronic disease is, I suggest, second to none. But this is
best left to the skills of a professional homeopath.
By learning
how to use some of the common homeopathic remedies, and by having a home
prescribing kit at hand, as well as a professional homeopath, you can
avoid disasters such as the one mentioned above. Your new skills can be
used on all of your family members, whether two legged or four.
Disasters can be avoided.
To find out more on homeopathy and other natural dog health care strategies, click on the link below.