Saturday, September 15, 2012

What You Should Know About Traveling With a Dog

As much as your furry friend would love to ride in your lap, it's not the safest idea for either of you. Animals don't stay still. They'll stretch, walk around, look out the window or better yet, put their heads out the window. All of these things can not only distract the driver but could completely block the driver's view.
It's always important to be aware of where the air bags are located, in the vehicle that will be used. This may help to determine which of the following options is the best one. Should there be an unfortunate incident, safety for all involved is important.
Traveling With a Dog
Booster seats and raised bedding is available but the smaller dog is safer riding in a soft sided crate or a handy collapsible dog crate, in the back seat of your vehicle. Should the pet get car sick, the mess is in a contained area. Either of these can hold a comfortable dog bed. Once you get to your vacation spot the dog has it's own den or both of these crates can be flattened and stored away.
Traveling With a Dog
The above mentioned crates would also be an option for a medium dog. A seat belt connector would also work. The seat belt connector attaches to the dog's harness. The dog stays safely in the back seat and has a bit more freedom. The connector allows the dog to sit, stand or lay down in a dog bed or the use of a waterproof seat cover would also be helpful. Seat covers help the dog grip better, keep your seats clean, scratch free and are also available waterproof. These cover are sometimes more comfortable than the backseats. There is a hammock seat cover available, as well.
Traveling With a Dog
The larger dog has a number of safe options. There are various barriers available that can be easily installed in a car, SUV or mini van. The available dividers are made out of different materials. There are mesh barriers, metal bar dividers or metal fencing separators. The dog can lay on a comfortable waterproof seat cover, the hammock seat cover or a plush bed. Of course, the soft sided or collapsible crate could be used and the seat belt connector is a viable option, as well.
Traveling With a Dog
Making the right decision for the driver and passengers along with the four legged friend is an important one. Everyone wants to have been comfortable and in high spirits, upon arriving at the destination.
Traveling With a Dog
Jennifer F. has owned and bred dogs for almost ten years. Her passion for dogs encouraged her to start a website where you can find unique and top quality dog products at affordable prices. If your looking to add a new member to the family, check out her initial website Papillon Butterfly World, which is devoted to breeding and rescuing papillons and placing them in loving homes.

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